eBay Plus is a quality award for listings with fast, free shipping on eBay. Merchants are awarded
with it by eBay directly, while the feature is currently only available on eBay Germany and

magnalister can detect if you have permission to post eBay Plus listings. If so, the corresponding
checkbox is clickable in the configuration and product preparation.

However, eBay's interface does not provide us with information about which eBay categories are
enabled for eBay Plus. To gain clarity on this matter, please visit the corresponding eBay help

https://verkaeuferportal.ebay.de/programme-gewerbliche-verkaeufer/ebay-plus/angebote for

https://sellercentre.ebay.com.au/ebay-plus-sellers for Australia

Here you will also find detailed information about the additional requirements a listing has to
meet in order to be eligible for eBay Plus.

Orders of eBay Plus listings have their own green eBay logo in the store order overview.