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FAQ# Titel Kategorie Sprache Geändert
10001943 OTTO Sandbox mit magnalister anbinden Supportfragen::00 Marktplätze::11 OTTO::07 Allgemeine Fra... de 2024-04-08 10:49:48
10001612 Limited stock synchronization for the OTTO marketp [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::06 OTTO::02 Inventory... en 2021-01-13 10:46:52
10001659 Transmit returns shipping carrier and return track [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::06 OTTO::03 Order Sta... en 2021-02-26 09:04:51
10001625 Order of the shipping methods used at magnalister [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::07 Related to Multipl... en 2021-01-20 17:43:02
10001795 Use Amazon Business functions (incl. scale prices) [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::00 Amazon::00 Product... en 2022-07-06 15:03:22
10001635 Transfer shipping information such as tracking cod [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::00 Amazon::03 Order S... en 2021-02-17 11:59:38
10001852 Amazon: Error when uploading - Amazon API response [...] Support Questions::00 Marketplaces::00 Amazon::04 Error M... de 2024-04-12 10:25:07
10001736 Use Shopware 6 feature "Advanced pricing" together [...] Support Questions::01 Shop Systems::Shopware 6::02 Invent... en 2021-11-08 10:51:52
10001737 Utiliser la fonction ”Prix étendus” de Shopware 6 [...] Questions support::01 Système boutique::Shopware::02 Sync... fr 2021-11-22 09:51:57